Sophie's B-Day!
Sophie's B-Day is near!So I thought you all should hear!
Naw I suck at rhyming anyways Happy B-Day Sophie!!!
Love you Sophie!!!!!!!
Love you Sophie!!!!!!!
Love you Sophie!!!!!!!
Love you Sophie!!!!!!!
Love you Sophie!!!!!!!
Here is a GIF i made for Sophie! Love you BabyCakes!!
Well, Later!!
Romeo & Juliet!
Last night I finished Romeo & Juliet! It was really cool.Ok, Ok, I didn't EXACTLY read it, I read it in modern English!
The book I got that had modern English is:
'NO FEAR Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet'. It shows you on one side of the book the original book and on the other side, the book translated in modern English!
It was really cool, which I think I said already, but it is, so ya.
And I was slightly disappointed to not cry after reading it. They both die, but it wasn't that sad, like, "What's wrong with you, tear ducts?!?" Anyway later!!
Pet Shop Pop (issue 3)
BREAKING NEWS: Super Kitty?-----------------------------------------------------
There seems to be a Super Kitty around!
Our very own super hero! She stops fights and serves justice wherever she goes!
So, interviewer/photographer, Benson found her and asked her a few questions:
Benson: Hi Super Kitty! How does it feel to be able to fly??
Super Kitty: Oh um you kinda creeped up on me haha!
Benson: You didn't answer my question Super Kitty.
Super kitty: Oh, well it's pretty cool. And you don't need to call me Super Kitty.
Benson: Interesting! so Super Kitty -
Super kitty: You don't need to call me that.
Benson: Yes, very interesting, but how do you feel being all-mighty??
Super Kitty: I wouldn't call myself "all-mighty"
Benson: You keep not answering my questions.
Super Kitty: Oh, yeah, sorry about that.
Benson: ....So???
Super Kitty: Oh, um I guess it feels great, can you go now? I'm kinda busy.
Benson: Oh! yes, of course, I wouldn't wanna get in the way of an all-mighty super hero! Go on!
Super Kitty: But- oh never mind. Bye!
Benson: Bye!
Next he sent out to interview many other pets on what they thought about her.
"She is soooo cool," says a inside source.
That's all in this breaking news.
Write to PSP in the comments!!
(Interview by Benson James.
Editing by Pancakes Park. Written by Aurora.)
Pet Shop Pop (Issue 2)
LPS Injuries - Solvable!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Recently, a LPS's ear was split, the victim's name is "So 'n' So".
She is in recovery, but there IS a way to make littlest pet shop injuries go away after 5 - 10 minutes!
It's super glue.
To figure out the details, interviewer/photographer, Benson set out to interview Flower, another victim from a similar injury. "My tail got split in half, it was hanging by a strand," Flower says, "it hurt so much I thought I was dreaming."
But super glue saved her!
You just splatter some where the injury is and use it as glue.
Hold it together for 5 - 10 minutes while it dries, and PRESTO!
You're fixed!
"I was so glad that it worked I danced when it was done" says Flower.
Write to PSP in the comments!! :) :)
(Interviews & photos by Benson James.
Writing and editing by Cupcake Will, and Pancakes Park.)
PSP, Introduction.
Hi, this is our first issue, and we want you to know all the info about this newspaper on this blog.First covering the basics:
PSP Staff: Cupcake, is the main writer.
Benson is the interviewer/photographer.
Pancakes is the Editor.
And Aurora covers the breaking news.
Now moving on to schedule. There will not be one. We will put out issues as often as possible but we cannot promise a weekly or daily issue.
Thank you for reading. 'Till next time,
Pet Shop Pop!
I'm going to start doing this thing called "pet shop pop"
And it's basically a magazine-type thing from the LPS's point of view!
I don't know if it will be weekly, or daily, or even scheduled at all, but I really want to make this a feature of my blog.
They will all be under the tab that reads: PSP. (That's short for Pet Shop Pop.)
Anyway I hope you all are as happy about this as I am!
Blog Changes
I have made a system, that I think is pretty cool, to change my blog color every season.Now, I will have blue (the previous color) for winter, green (the color now) for spring.
yellow or pink for summer, orange or yellow for fall, and so on, and so forth.
Anyway since I have a lot going on, I have more than one thing to post about.
I customized my kitty!
(LPS kitty not Sophie).
Here are some pics:
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