Story: Vol. 1 The Spring Festival.

Once upon a time...

There was a kingdom, the kingdom was guarded by great soldiers. But this kingdom was seldom like any other. The citizens were all cats. Some orange, some black, some white, some grey, some tri-colored. And there was a great queen, named Sophie. She was fair and kind, and shared her wealth with her subjects. She lay on her throne one day, thinking on how to improve the kingdom. She decided to have a Spring festival. It would have cat food and treats like canned pumpkin and chickpeas. It would have fountains of fresh water. And the cats would have a chance to rejoice and celebrate the Spring. So she went to her royal festivity planner, an orange tabby, and told him all her plans. At first he looked puzzled. They had never had any festivities except for balls and christenings. But then he reassured her he would take care of it. And take care of it he did. The whole kingdom had excellent fun. 

The End.

Hey peeps! Hope you liked that story, I might make another and make it action packed, I don't know.

